외국인이 민원신청서 작성시 편의를 제공하기 위하여 주요 4개 언어(영어, 중국어, 일어, 베트남어)로 민원신청서 작성 매뉴얼을 안내합니다.
We provide as belows application forms and manuals as four languages English, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese for foreigner's convenience on filling out the civil application form.
After filling in the application form with reference the manual, please submit the application form to the authorities concerned.
민원 사무명 (Kinds of application forms) | 접 수 처(Receipt) |
가족관계등록 (Family relation register) | 구청 Gu office (민원여권과 Department of civil petitions & passport), 동 주민센터 Dong office |
체류지변경, 출입국사실증명 등 외국인 거소지 변경 (Alteration of foreigner's residence(Alteration report of residence), alteration report of domestic residence, the fact certification for immigration and etc.) |
구청 Gu office 민원여권과 Department of civil petitions & passport), 출입국관리사무소 Immigration office 동 주민센터 Dong office |
외국인 인감증명 신고, 변경 (Report of seal impression for foreigner) |
관할 동 주민센터 Dong office |
외국인 인감 발급 (Report of seal impression for foreigner) |
구청 Gu office 민원여권과 Department of civil petitions & passport), 동 주민센터 Dong office |
주민등록 민원사무 (Report of resident registration for foreigner) |
구청 Gu office (민원여권과 Department of civil petitions & passport), 동 주민센터 Dong office |
이륜자동차 민원사무 (Report of two wheeled vehicle) |
구청 Gu office (교통행정과 Department of traffic administration) |
If you click the language, you can see the application form and manual.
연번 No. | 민 원 사 무 명 Kinds of application form |
매뉴얼 Application form & Manual | 민원처리기관 Process | |||
ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | |||
1 | 가족관계 창설신고 Foundation report of family relation register | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
2 | 사망신고서 Report of death | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 동 주민센터 Dong office |
3 | 인지(친권자지정)신고 Report for recognition(Designation of parental authority) | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
4 | 출생신고 Report of birth | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 동 주민센터 Dong office |
5 | 파양신고 Report for dissolution of adoption | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
6 | 개명신고 Report of changed name | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
7 | 성.본 변경신고 Alteration report for surname . place of family origin | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
8 | 입양신고서 Report of adoption | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
9 | 친양자 파양신고 Dissolution of adoption report for parental foster child | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
10 | 혼인신고 Report of Marriage | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
11 | 등록부 정정신청 Report for revision of register | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
12 | 이혼신고 Report of divorce(Designation of parental authority) | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
13 | 창성신고 Report for creating surname | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
14 | 친양자 입양신고 Adoption report for paternal foster child | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office |
15 | 인감보호신청·인감보호해제신청 Application for protecting the seal impression and for cancelling the protection of seal impression | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 동 주민센터 Dong office |
16 | 정정(말소, 거주불명등록)신고 Report( Correction, Cancellation, Registration of unknown residence) | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 동 주민센터 Dong office |
17 | 인감(변경) 신고(서면신고용) Report(Alteration) of seal impression (For written report) | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 동 주민센터 Dong office |
18 | 인감증명 위임장 또는 법정대리인 동의서·재외공관 영사관 및 세무서 확인서 Letter of attorney for seal impression or consent of legal representative, Confirmation of diplomatic establishment abroad(consulate) and tax office | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 동 주민센터 Dong office |
19 | 인감(사망·실종신고·신고사항 변경·말소·부활) 신고(신청) Seal impression(Death, Sentence of missing, Alteration of report items, Cancellation, Reinstatement) report(application) | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 동 주민센터 Dong office |
20 | 체류지 변경신고 Report on alteration of residence | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 출입국 관리사무소 Immigration office, 동 주민센터 Dong office |
21 | 체류지변경 및 위임장 Letter of Attorney for alteration of residence | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 출입국 관리사무소 Immigration office, 동 주민센터 Dong office |
22 | 출입국사실증명 등 발급신청 위임장 Letter of attorney for issuance the fact certification | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 출입국 관리사무소 Immigration office 동 주민센터 Dong office |
23 | 출입국사실증명서 등 발급신청 Application for issuing the fact certification | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 출입국 관리사무소 Immigration 동 주민센터 Dong office |
24 | 주민등록표 열람 또는 등초본 교부 신청 Application for inspection of resident registration table or for issuance of certified copyㆍabstract | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 동 주민센터 Dong office |
25 | 주민등록 신고 Resident registration report | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 동 주민센터 Dong office |
26 | 주민등록증 분실신고 Resident registration certificate(Loss report, withdrawal application) | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 동 주민센터 Dong office |
27 | 주민등록표 열람 또는 등초본 교부신청 위임장 Letter of attorney for inspection of resident registration table or for issuance of certified copyㆍabstract | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 구청 Gu office, 동 주민센터 Dong office |
28 | 주민등록증 발급신청서 Issuance application for resident registration certificate | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 동 주민센터 Dong office |
29 | 주민등록증 재발급 신청 Re-issuance application for resident registration certificate | ENG | JPN | CHN | VNM | 동 주민센터 Dong office |
30 | 이륜자동차 사용신고 Report for usage of two-wheeled vehicle | ENG | 구청 Gu office (교통행정과 Department of traffic administration) |
31 | 이륜자동차 폐지신고 Abolition report of two-wheeled vehicle usage | ENG | 구청 Gu office (교통행정과 Department of traffic administration) |
32 | 이륜자동차 신고사항 변경신청 Application form for alteration the reported matters of two-wheeled vehicle | ENG | 구청 Gu office (교통행정과 Department of traffic administration) |
33 | 자동차 양도증명서(양도인·양수인 직접거래용) Transfer certificate of vehicle ownership (For direct transaction by transferorㆍtransferee) | ENG | 구청 Gu office (교통행정과 Department of traffic administration) |
34 | 이륜자동차 사용신고필증 재교부 Application form for re-issuance the completion certificate of usage report of two-wheeled vehicle | ENG | 구청 Gu office (교통행정과 Department of traffic administration) |